Procolour Dyeing Service
3. Colour-match accuracy, and batch-to-batch colour
What degree of match accuracy can be expected through dyeing?
Test colour matches are initially done on small 10 x 5 cm pieces of fabric
to arrive at a match recipe. These colour test strips are called 'lab dips'.
Customers can request to see the best of these so that they can confirm
the match before bulk dyeing work proceeds.
Colour-match accuracy is proportional to the time taken to refine the
recipe. But to keep costs under control, colour-match recipes are usually
completed in one hour. Of course, standard colours like black do not
need matching. Procolour aims to deliver matches that are so good that
you could replace a matched panel in a garment without detecting it. But,
in practice, this is not possible and 4 out of 5 matches fall a little short of
this lofty target. However, batch-to-batch accuracy is more precise, and
garment makers can usually assemble garments from pieces coming
from different batches. It is, however, best practice to make entire gar-
ments from panels coming from the same dye batch. Colour-match reci-
pes are noted down on customer's invoices so that they don't have to pay
for the same match to be done more than once.
How long does it take to dye a batch and what are maximum
batch sizes?
It can take 1.5 hours to dye dark colours on silk fabric, but generally bath
lots take about an hour. The maximum amount of silk fabric in a bath lot
is about 2 kg dry weight. However, silk fabrics of different weaves have
differing bath lot size maximums.